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Software Development

Software Development

Any custom made (matching direct needs) application can enhance business opportunities, establish delight in customer relation, and create a competitive advantage. Hudda's technology strengths are vested in translating customer needs into a reality. The Technological creativity at Hudda defines the better suiting Application for your needs, it assures you to reap complete benefits of your investment and also ensures no further investments for application maintenance and enhancement.The experience over the years has made us to reuse the components and develop custom made solutions in minimum possible time. Our various application developments and a self-designed ERP product - Impact, ushers 50 modules no doubt having at least any one common reusable component helping in reducing relevant portion of cost and time to develop.

Our solution shall be a consultancy oriented, which shall mainly focus towards today's need and at the same time keeping in mind of future growth of the enterprise and making all the necessary provision for the future enhancements. Our Up-to-date Software Architects or veterans shall recommend the best of breed or combinational technologies to suit your budget, existing infrastructure.


  • Customer satisfaction:We believe that Business always starts and closes with customers, so they are the integral part of business. Building a long-lasting relation with customers helps us to gain new clients and at the same time gather a good name in the Industry.
  • Affordable price: Offering best service and cost-effective solutions to clients is our Focus.
  • Advanced technological approach: Blending technology and experience to derive high end solutions.
  • Up-to date in the market: Delivering personalized applications to Support business models.